Grape vodka "Bari Luys"
"Bari Luys" - translated into Russian means "Good morning".
There is an ancient tradition in Armenia - to invite guests to Khash (the national Armenian dish) in the early morning, and with the first "Bari Luys" toast, khash eaters drink a glass of fragrant fruit vodka.
Like wine and cognac, it takes a few minutes to reveal all the nuances of aroma and taste. It is an excellent aperitif and digestive, and also serves as an excellent accompaniment to any meal.
Vodka "Bari Luys" not only gives fun, intoxicating, but also has healing power, and also has excellent taste and simply a unique aroma.
Assortment: Grape, Apricot, Pomegranate, Mulberry, Dogwood
Alcohol: 40%, 47%
Volume: 0,5 l
bari luys абрикосовая
bari luys виноградная
bari luysгранатовая
bari luysтутовая
bari кизиловая
korob Bari Luys